Tomahawk Competition Paintballs 2000s

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  • Regular price €49.90
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For many years we have had the very best experiences with Tomahawk paintballs in terms of quality, consistency and precision.

The Tomahawk Competition Paintball is the best paintball I know for its price. What distinguishes it is the consistency and accuracy when shooting, a strong filling and, in recent years, its fragility.
Especially for demanding players who want to use a high-quality ball during training, an affordable alternative!

In contrast to the somewhat cheaper Tomahawk paintballs, the tournament ball is more brittle in order to break even when hit on the opponent at long distances!
However, the Tomahawk Competition is a little more grateful because it is not quite as extram brittle, so that even inexperienced ones Players or cheaper markers can easily enjoy playing with a really good tournament color!

What distinguishes the Tomahawk Competition and makes it my personal favorite in training or when having fun is the unbelievable precision of the chrono or the shot pattern sets the day.

The fill itself is a bright neat yellow paintball color to make nice hits! These hits can only be removed by the opponent very stubbornly, which can also be an advantage depending on the opponent.

Like all our paintball online shop customers, you will be amazed by the price and performance of this inexpensive paintball!